By Agbu-Oyibo Chineze
From the natural point of view, same-sex marriage is a deviation from the natural scheme of things, in which the positive “Plus” (+) is naturally attracted to the negative “Minus” (-). Therefore, a man (positive) being attracted sexually to a fellow man (positive) or a woman (negative) being attracted to a fellow woman (negative), to the extent of the man getting married to his fellow man or the woman to her fellow woman as husband and wife is rather unnatural, abnormal, bizarre, awkward, embarrassing, strange and inexplicable. It does not make sense to any human being, who is normal. We can state without fear of contradiction that only two men or two women, who are abnormal can marry and relate as husband and wife.
From the reproductive point of view, same-sex marriage will eventually lead to the extinction of humankind because the act of a man mating a fellow man or a woman a fellow woman has neither the biological potential nor the capability of reproducing young ones. Then, assuming gays succeed in winning everybody to their side, to the extent that it becomes illegal for a man to marry a woman, obviously reproduction among human beings will cease.
From the religious point of view, same-sex marriage is a violation of God’s rule, which stipulates that a “man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh” (Gen 2: 24). In this context, a man is a male, while his wife is a female.
From the social point of view, same-sex marriage is a terrible embarrassment to any adopted child, who by way of identification, will point to a man and say, “This is my father” and to another man and say, “This is my mother,” or to a woman and say “This is my father” and to another woman and say, “This is my mother.”
From the moral point of view, same-sex marriage is a deviation from morality in the sense that it is immoral for a man to assume the sexual role of a woman and vice versa. In other words, it is immoral for any two men or any two women to marry as husband and wife and relate as such. Not even animals, wild or domestic, do so. One can state without fear of contradiction that those who practice or even support same-sex marriage have lost their moral compass.
Again, from the moral point of view, same-sex couples have no right whatsoever to adopt children produced by a man and a woman. They should be denied the opportunity of child adoption.
From the legal point of view, same-sex marriage amounts to breaking the law of nature because from time immemorial, the concept of marriage in any known human society, has been the union between male and female (that is, a man and a woman). Therefore, any man, who assumes the natural role of a woman and vice versa, especially in a family context, is guilty of immorality and impersonation.
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