We condemn in the strongest possible terms the continuous detention of U.S. Pastor Andrew Brunson by the Turkish Government. Pastor Brunson’s detention violates the fundamental tenets of the UN Human Rights Charter enacted in 1948 which bequeath the right to freedom of religion and worship on all humans.
Consequently, we appeal to the United Nations, Secretary-General of the United Nations, European Union – EU, European Parliament, Council of the European Union and United Nations Security Council to prevail upon the Turkish Government to desist from persecution of Christians in their country; starting with the immediate release of Pastor Brunson.
It is also imperative for the international community to prevail upon the Turkish government to revoke its decision to convert about 27 churches to mosques and museums in their country. These Churches were built with the finances and sweat of Christians globally and as such it follows for such buildings to be transferred to the Vatican and Canterbury respectively. If Muslims are desirous of owning a mosque, they should be allowed to build theirs and not to convert Churches to Mosques. It follows therefore for the following 27 Churches converted to Mosques/Museums in Turkey to be handed over to Christians immediately: Arap Mosque, Atik Mustafa Pasha Mosque, Bodrum Mosque, Chora Church, Church-Mosque of Vefa, Ese Kapi Mosque, Eski Imaret Mosque, Fenari Isa Mosque, Fethiye Mosque, Gül Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Hirami Ahmet Pasha Mosque, Imrahor Mosque, Kalenderhane Mosque, Kariye Mosque, Kasım Agha Mosque, Kefeli Mosque, Koca Mustafa Pasha Mosque, Little Hagia Sophia, Manastır Mosque, Monastery of Stoudios, Odalar Mosque, Pammakaristos Church, Sancaktar Hayrettin Mosque, Şeyh Süleyman Mosque, Toklu Dede Mosque and Zeyrek Mosque. The U.S. must keep up the momentum with more sanctions if necessary.