Corbyn must resign

Today, the world cries out against racists, homophobia and religious bias but is silently adopting direct and public display of hatred, bigotry and anti-Semitism (HBA). Britain is gradually becoming the world center for HBA, and to think that it was once referred to as a ‘The Great Britain’? With the caliber of leadership it has now, the political future of Britain is rather bleak at best. From the lack luster Prime Minister, to the irresponsible Mayor of London to the Labor Party leadership, Britain leaves much to be desired.

In many parts of England, foreign nationals have declared themselves sovereign citizens, having their own lawless ways of life, yet, nothing is done about it. Russian-related execution of British citizens has been recorded, but no reactions have been shown from the leadership of Britain but they lead the ruse of Russian involvement in elections in America.

More worrisome is the latest broadcast by the leader of an internationally renowned political party, British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. His announced anti-Semitism says a lot about the objectives of the British Labour Party and if the party does not act against Jeremy Corbyn, there may be no hope after all for Britain.

In defense of its sovereignty, its people and its territory, the Jewish state of Israel has been active against all the Arab countries that constantly launch rockets and all sorts of munitions against them. For many years, Israel was left on its own by world leaders who refuse to take a stand for the truth, the media report falsely against them and the Arabs swore to its annihilation. Today, Jeremy Corbyn, on behalf of the British Labour Party likened Israel’s defense to the actions of Adolf Hitler. Those words signified the death of truth, objectivity and hope in the British Labour Party and in fact, for Britain.

It is either Jeremy Corbyn is oblivious of historic facts or he is wicked or he just voiced out the underlying objectives for which the British Labour Party now stand. If the British Labour Party’s objective borders around anti-Semitism, then there is no hope for the British people because if a leader of such renowned international party could equate Israel’s defense to the Nazism of Adolf Hitler, then, one wonders where he is leading the party and Britain. The ideals of the party will be more obvious if Corbyn’s leadership of the party is not terminated.

Israeli Labour party had better relations with the British Labour Party under Prime Ministers Harold Wilson, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. The current political situation in Britain leaves much to be desired. Actions must be taken against anti-Semitism especially among political leaders. They must be held accountable, Jeremy Corbyn must resign.

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