Having explored all fallacious styles of Hate Campaign such as FakeNews, Hate Speech,Blackmail etc. to smear and bring down the Donald J. Trump led administration, it is laughable and disgusting to know that the #Democrats have now resorted to futile propaganda, playing the victims of Bomb threats, all in a bid to win sympathy votes during the forthcoming mid-term elections on November 6th 2018.
Recently, explosive devices were sent to George soros , Barack Obama , CNN Headquarters , Hillary Clinton , Robert De Nirо and others U.S. Officials report. This has exposed the calculated ploy by the enemies of peace within the Democratic fold to heat up the polity with a perfectly timed theatrical orchestration. Needless to say, it is clear that Democrats who are sore losers saddled with calumny and political naivety rather than embark on progressive public campaign have woefully relegated to cheap blackmail. Indeed their desperation to reclaim power knows no bounds.
Unsurprisingly, CNN as the attack dogs have thrown their hats into the ring in solidarity of shame to evidently spread its claws to feast on the sad and unfortunate incidence in their report of 24th October, 2018, with the first paragraph stating, “Suspected explosive devices have been sent to top Democrats including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as CNN, US officials have said”. Are Democrats not Americans? Why the caption Democrats if it is not aimed at making them the victim to fuel hate among electorates and embolden their calumny?
Democrats and CNN should be reminded that President Donald J. Trump remains resilient to clamp down on all enemies of peace, progress and righteousness in America regardless of tactics being employed. In his words, “Any acts or threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself… we want all sides to come together in peace and harmony. We can do it … Those engaged in the political arena must stop treating political opponents as morally defective.” Investigations have been launched and the day of reckoning is about to catch up with the Democratic moles who are found complicit.
We urge Americans to remain strong in the face of these sad events in every guise of heating up the polity through intimidation and treachery.
As always, In God we Trust. The truth shall surely prevail.