Professor Hezekiah Says No Human Rights For Terrorists

Professor Hezekiah Says No Human Rights For Terrorists


Should terrorists who kill people with little or no regard for human life and dignity be entitled to human rights?

In view of Professor Daddy Hezekiah, an Industrial Chemist and UN Justice of Peace, terrorists must not be treated with kids gloves when apprehended as this makes the profession lucrative and attractive to them.

The professor who holds over five honours degrees speaking while performing duties as a religious cleric wholesomely criticized the clamour for human rights for terrorists and beckoned on States to set an example with terrorists to serve a deterrent.

The concept of human rights was first expressed in the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which established “recognition of the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.” While this aspect of the UN Declaration remains a subject of controversy when juxtaposed with terrorists, there is a section of the charter indicative of a duty of reciprocity in order to uphold rights of others as well as prevent breakdown of law. Article 29 section 2 states


In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society

It is on this premise that we make bold to assert that terrorists ought not be accorded with human rights. Or doesn’t it read do not give holy things to dogs? If a terrorist gruesomely murders people, shouldn’t he pay for his crimes?

For the world to win the fight against terrorism, the notion of treating terrorists with kids gloves must be jettisoned as espoused by Professor Hezekiah. If you give human rights to a terrorist who killed 145 children in Pakistan, aren’t you making terrorism more lucrative #attractive??? Worst still, #Nigeria recently sentenced soldiers accused of refusing to fight Boko Haram to death and yet plan to give olive branch #amnesty to Boko Haram members when apprehended #What an irony! We think this is preposterous! This simply makes terrorism more rewarding than volunteering to fighting it.

Related Story: From The Reporter’s Desk: Meet The Religious Cleric Who Does What He Preaches- Daddy Hezekiah @ 47

To win fight against terrorism, capital punishment must be adopted for terrorists to serve a deterrent and justice. #SayNoToTerrorism #StopTheKilling #ISIS #BokoHaram #Hamas #AlShabaab #AlQaeda

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