Hezekiah Frowns At Politicization of Aid By Western Donors

Hezekiah Frowns At Politicization of Aid By Western Donors

Daddy Hez

Renowned African religious cleric His Grace Most Revered Professor Daddy Hezekiah has condemned the notion of use of aid [assistance] by major European powers to propagate corruption in Africa.

Hezekiah said this while delivering a sermon at his 75,000 capacity temple in Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria. In his words,

One thing I told the Westerners is that they shouldn’t give aid to Africans [assistance/help] with a clause aimed at corrupting them. If they want to give aid to Africans they should give aid to them without stringent attachments. They shouldn’t attach stringent measures or conditions such as aid will not be given to you unless you allow same-sex marriage in your country”

Professor Hezekiah frowned at the use of aid [assistance] by Western countries to corrupt people and change their culture; make them morally decayed.

The cleric was particularly unhappy with the recent moves by Western States to impose homosexual marriage on Uganda through giving of aid.

He condemned emphatically the idea of dictatorial clauses before aid is given. That is, if you want our aid, “you must allow homosexual marriage”.

He described such aid as ungenuine, pointing out that such aid can be compared to analogies such as a young man who pays the school fees of a young girl with a clause of destroying her morally (sleeping with her). Professor Hezekiah said such help cannot be classified as help!

The cleric said this is what the Westerners do; “they don’t want anything that has to do with God. They want to corrupt Africans so they will be morally low and accept immorality so they can give them 1 million aid (that is all). People get excited and they indirectly destroy our culture”.

Related Story: From The Reporter’s Desk-The Man Hezekiah @47

See Also: Professor Hezekiah Says No Human Rights For Terrorists

It will be recalled that a Ugandan court in August, 2014 repealed anti homosexual law following immense pressure from Western donors. Uganda had earlier passed an anti homosexual law following majority opinion that wanted African values and culture protected.

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