Celebrity of the Month- September, 2014

Celebrity of the Month- September, 2014


The charismatic CNN award winning journalist Christiane Amanpour is our celebrity of the month for September, 2014.

Amanpour was born to the duo of Mahmoud and Patricia Amanpour on January 12, 1958.

She is a British Iranian fluent in English and Persian language.

She attended Holy Cross Convent, Chalfont St. Peter, Buckinghamshire, and New Hall School, in Chelmsford, Essex, England. She graduated from University of Rhode Island, United States America in 1983 with a B.A. degree in journalism.

Amanpour joined CNN on the year of her graduation and distinguished herself subsequently in reporting the Iraqi-Iran war as well as the democratic revolution that swept through Eastern Europe.

Christiane is married to James Rubin and has a child by the name Darius Rubin.

The Civil Rights crew singled out Amanpour for this award in view of her discovery of the Cyrus Cylinder in Iraqi; its significance to the Israel-Palestine Crisis as well as her unbiased reportage of the crisis over the past few weeks.

Related Story: CNN Reporter Christiane Amanpour Discovers Cyrus Cylinder- Reveals Who Owns Jerusalem

See Also: Solution To Israel-Palestine Crisis Discovered

We present, Christiane Amanpour, into the Civil Rights International hall of fame!!!

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