An Attack On Christianity #BringBackOurgirls

An Attack On Christianity #BringBackOurgirls

The list of kidnapped girls in Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria released by the Northern States Christian and Elders Forum (NOCSEF) is yet another pointer that Boko Haram terrorist activities is a meticulous scheme designed to annihilate Christians from Northern part of Nigeria.

Aside from the list, Boko Haram has overtime repeatedly made it clear that their number one agenda in Nigeria is to create an Islamic State in the north devoid of western education.

What does this suggest? Why did the Boko Haram terrorist sect choose Chibok a community whose population is predominately 90 percent Christian?

Is there any truth in the claims by Muslims that they are victims just like the Christians in the North?

Have Muslims done enough to checkmate violent groups which emanate from their religion?

Is it simply enough for them (Muslims) to distance themselves from such terrorist groups by mere words and not take proactive steps to address the problem?

Is there a carefully designed scheme by Muslims under the guise of ‘we are victims as well’ to annihilate Christians in the northern part of Nigeria?

While we search for answers for the above rhetorics, the fact remains Muslims all over the world are welcomed with open hands anywhere they go to live and practice their religion without fear of molestation so much so that they can even build a mosque in the Vatican city, however, same cannot be said for Christians.

As far back as 2006, Muslim fanatics butchered Christians in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria simply because of cartoons about Muhammad in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

Today, the Boko Haram terrorist sect has made burning of Churches and places of worship a routine daily activity.

We Civil Rights International believe the government and people of Nigeria could do better in attenuating the restiveness in the north as well as bring the hoodlums to justice.

It is not enough for government to condemn these dastardly acts with mere words without drastic measures to protect Christians.

We believe the government of Nigeria has what it takes to end these religious motivated violence once and for all.

Also, it is not enough for Muslims to use mere words to distance themselves from horrorific killings carried out by groups which confess their religion. The onus is on them to take proactive measures to check the innate contradictions that abound in their faith. For instance, these terrorist groups often justify the violence they unleach on people of other faith with relevant passages of the Koran such as

Quran 9: 29 “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” 

Quran 9:30 “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!”

Should this be so? We implore Muslims to act to salvage what is left of our society. We cannot continue to live as though we are in Hobbes’ State of nature.

It is therefore imperative for Muslims to brace up to the truth and accept that they have challenges in their faith rather than shy away from it.

If some people are killing in the name of their religion whose problem is it? Is it Christian, Jewish or Hindu? It is theirs and theirs alone and denying it doesn’t help.

We wholeheartedly condemn these habitual acts of religious violence.

Below are the names of kidnapped girls with their religion in quote:

(Like us on facebook @ Civil Rights International as well as @ Say No 2 Homosexuals. You can also follow us on twitter @Civilrightsint)

1. Deborah ​Abge Christian
2. Awa ​Abge ” Christian
3. Hauwa ​Yirma ” Christian
4. Asabe ​Manu ” Christian
5. Mwa ​Malam pogu ” Christian
6. Patiant ​Dzakwa ” Christian
7. Saraya ​Mal. Stover ” Christian
8. Mary ​Dauda ” Christian
9. Gloria ​Mainta ” Christian
10.Hanatu ​Ishaku ” Christian
11. Gloria ​Dama ” Christian
12. Tabitha ​Pogu ” Christian
13. Maifa ​Dama ” Christian
14. Ruth ​kollo ” Christian
15. Esther ​Usman ” Christian
16 Awa ​James Christian
17 Anthonia Yahonna Christian
18 Kume ​Mutah Christian
19 Aisha ​Ezekial ” Christian
20 Nguba ​Buba ” Christian
21 Kwanta ​Simon. Christian
22 Kummai ​Aboku. Christian
23 Esther ​Markus Christian
24 Hana ​Stephen. Christian
25. Rifkatu ​Amos Christian
26 Rebecca ​Mallum Christian
27.Blessing ​Abana. Christian
28. Ladi ​Wadai Christian
29. Tabitha ​Hyelampa. Christian
30 Ruth ​Ngladar . Christian
31 Safiya ​Abdu . Christian
32 Na’omi ​Yahonna. Christian
33 Solomi ​Titus . Christian
34Rhoda ​John Christian
35 Rebecca ​Kabu Christian
36. Christy ​Yahi. Christian
37. Rebecca ​Luka. Christian
38. Laraba ​John Christian
39 Saratu ​Markus. Christian
40. Mary ​Usman. Christian
41 Debora ​Yahonna. Christian
42.Naomi ​Zakaria Christian
43 Hanatu ​Musa Christian
44. Hauwa ​Tella Christian
45.Juliana ​Yakubu. Christian
46. Suzana ​Yakubu Christian
47.Saraya ​Paul. Christian
48. Jummai ​Paul Christian
49. Mary ​Sule Christian
50. Jummai ​John. Christian
51.Yanke ​Shittima. Christian
52. Muli ​Waligam . Christian
53. Fatima ​Tabji. Christian
54. Eli ​Joseph. Christian
55.Saratu ​Emmanuel. Christian
56. Deborah Peter. Christian
57.Rahila ​Bitrus. Christian
58. Luggwa ​Sanda. Christian
59. Kauna ​Lalai. Christian
60. Lydia ​Emmar. Christian
61.Laraba ​Maman. Christian
62.Hauwa ​Isuwa. Christian
63. Confort ​Habila. Christian
64. Hauwa ​Abdu. Christian
65. Hauwa ​Balti. Christian
66.Yana ​Joshua. Christian
67.Laraba ​Paul. Christian
68.Saraya ​Amos. Christian
69. Glory ​Yaga. Christian
70. Na’omi ​Bitrus. Christian
71. Godiya ​Bitrus. Christian
72. Awa ​Bitrus. Christian
73. Na’omi ​Luka. Christian
74. Maryamu Lawan. Christian
75. Tabitha ​Silas. Christian
76. Mary ​Yahona. Christian
77. Ladi ​Joel. Christian
78. Rejoice ​Sanki. Christian
79. Luggwa ​Samuel. Christian
80.Comfort ​Amos. Christian
81. Saraya ​Samuel. Christian
82. Sicker ​Abdul. Christian
83.Talata ​Daniel. Christian
84. Rejoice ​Musa. Christian
85Deborah ​Abari. Christian
86. Salomi ​Pogu. Christian
87.Mary ​Amor. Christian
88. Ruth ​Joshua. Christian
89Esther ​John. Christian
90. Esther ​Ayuba. Christian
91. Maryamu Yakubu. Christian
91. Zara ​Ishaku. Christian
93. Maryamu Wavi Christian
94. Lydia ​Habila. Christian
95. Laraba ​Yahonna. Christian
96. Na’omi ​Bitrus. Christian
97.Rahila ​Yahanna. Christian
98. Ruth ​Lawan. Christian
99. Ladi ​Paul. Christian
100 Mary ​Paul. Christian
101. Esther ​Joshua. Christian
102. Helen ​Musa. Christian
103. Margret Watsai. Christian
104. Deborah Jafaru. Christian
105. Filo ​Dauda. Christian
106. Febi ​Haruna. Christian
107.Ruth ​Ishaku. Christian
108.Racheal Nkeki. Christian
109. Rifkatu Soloman. Christian
110.Mairama yahaya. Christian
111.Saratu ​Dauda. Christian
112.Jinkai ​Yama. Christian
113.Margret Shettima. Christian
114.Yana ​yidau. Christian
115. Grace ​Paul. Christian
116. Amina ​Ali. Christian
117. Palmata Musa Christian
118. Awagana Musa Christian
119. Pindar ​Nuhu Christian
120.Yana ​Pogu. Christian
121. Saraya ​Musa Christian
122. Hauwa ​Joseph. Christian
123. Hauwa ​kwakwi. Christian
125. Hauwa ​Musa. Christian
126. Maryamu Musa. Christian
127. Maimuna Usman. Christian
128. Rebeca Joseph. Christian
129.Liyatu ​Habitu. Christian
130. Rifkatu Yakubu. Christian
131. Naomi ​Philimon. Christian
132.Deborah Abbas. Christian
133. Ladi ​Ibrahim. Christian
134. Asabe ​Ali Christian
135. Maryamu Bulama. Christian
136.Ruth ​Amos. Christian
137.Mary ​Ali Christian
138. Abigail Bukar Christian
139 Deborah Amos Christian
140. Saraya ​Yanga Christian
141. Kauna ​Luka Christian
142. Christiana Bitrus Christian
143.Yana ​Bukar Christian
144. Hauwa ​peter Christian
145.Hadiza ​Yakubu. Christian
146.Lydia ​Simon Christian
147. Ruth ​Bitrus . Christian
148.Mary ​Yakubu Christian
149.Lugwa ​Mutah. Christian
150 Muwa ​Daniel. Christian
151 Hanatu ​Nuhu Christian
152. Monica Enoch. Christian
153. Margret Yama. Christian
154.Docas ​yakubu. Christian
155. Rhoda ​peter Christian
156. Rifkatu Galang Christian
157. Saratu ​Ayuba. Christian
158. Naomi ​Adamu. Christian
159. Hauwa ​Ishaya Christian
160. Rahap ​Ibrahim Christian
162. Deborah Soloman. Christian
163Hauwa ​Mutah Christian
164. Hauwa ​Takai. Christian
165. Serah ​Samuel Christian


166. Aishatu Musa. Muslim
167. Aishatu Grema. Muslim
168. Hauwa ​Nkeki Muslim
169. Hamsatu Abubakar Muslim
170.Mairama Abubakar. Muslim
171 Hauwa ​Wule Muslim
172. Ihyi ​Abdu Muslim
173. Hasana Adamu. Muslim
174. Rakiya ​Kwamtah Muslim
175 Halima ​Gamba. Muslim
176. Aisha ​Lawan . Muslim
177. Kabu ​Malla Muslim
178. Yayi ​Abana. Muslim
179. Falta ​Lawan. Muslim
180. Kwadugu Manu Muslim

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