Hezekiah University is an excellence-focused private University

Hezekiah University is an excellence-focused private University approved and licensed by the Federal Government of Nigeria, to provide world-class education.
The University is located in serene environment of Umudi which is very conducive for academic studies and is the first and only private University in Imo State. UNIHEZ has the vision to bring qualitative and functional higher education closer to the people and to play a leading role in the socio-economic and cultural development of the beneficiaries.

From the moment you are admitted into Hezekiah University, you are afforded limitless openings to expand your academic encounters and nurture marketable career skills. Their curriculum combines rigorous academic demands with exceptional flexibility and embraces openness in the pursuit of knowledge. Their academic staff stand ready to help you navigate your course of study and are committed to giving you the individual attention you need to excel in life

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